More Unsung Heroes of Holy Redeemer

There are things that need doing that most parishioners have no idea about. How many of you have ever thought about PURIFICATORS? Anyone? Anybody? Bueller? And yet, they are an essential part of our liturgical celebrations. Without them, my chalice gets icky. Someone needs to clean, press and fold those pesky little cloth rectangles. And the people who do it, and do it faithfully and well, are Tony and Patty Miano. Thank you!

There are a lot of things I took for granted when I came to Holy. Things that just got done. One of them was scheduling of readers and communion ministers. For a long time that was the job of Cathy Jeep. Cathy retired from that thankless job, which after the next line will no longer be so thankless. Thanks for your many years of service, Cathy. That job has been taken over by Katie Wilson. If you are interested in serving in either one of those roles, let me know and I will pass the info on to Katie. Thanks to her this will continue!

If you know anyone who is interested in becoming a Catholic here at Holy, the person to call is Mary Ziegelman. Mary runs our RCIA program and she has kept it going even in the midst of a pandemic. It is a complex job even without Covid-19, but Mary does it well. She has an awesome team who works with her and I am proud of the work that they do. Thanks, Mary and all who work on the RCIA!

My last unsung hero is Kathleen Govero. Kathleen is our Director of Religious Education and to say that Kathleen is organized is an understatement. We recently had a meeting for all the parents of those who will be confirmed this February (the first visit of Archbishop Rozanski!). Actually we had two meetings to keep socially distant. Kathleen had all of the materials color coded so that the parents would know what needed to be turned in and what was optional. She is amazing. To top it all, Kathleen will be having another child in January and she already had next semester covered with a substitute DRE. Amazing.
Thanks, Kathleen!

Father Kevin

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