Holy Redeemer Catholic Church reminds us that every Christian is called to serve and should actively accept the responsibility of their baptism.
It is the purpose of the Christian Service Commission to promote and coordinate programs that will guarantee all God’s children in the worldwide community, in the local community, and especially within the parish boundaries, justice and charity in full measure. It has the responsibility of enabling members of the parish to respond to the social justice problems of today. It also concerns itself with the physical, mental, and emotional needs of the people of the parish, giving special care to the poor, the lonely, the aged, the oppressed, and minority groups.
Holy Redeemer’s Christian Service Ministries and Organizations
The Holy Redeemer Catholic Women’s League (CWL) was founded in October 1918. For over ninety years, the CWL has served the parish and its members in many ways. While providing a social network for women of the parish, our roots are in service and hospitality.
For over 25 years, HR has been financially supporting its Twin Parish in St. Jean du Sud, Haiti. In 2003, the committee expanded its efforts to additional assistance to meet the needs of the parish through several programs, including Sponsor a Student, the Harry Hosey Teacher program,medical missions and sea container shipments.
The GAMAM Program is a monthly collection of non-perishable food items for area food pantries (currently St. Elizabeth, Mother of John the Baptist). Each third Sunday the menu and the yellow GAMAM bags are provided and each fourth Sunday the filled bags are collected and delivered to the pantry. The monthly menus are based on the needs of the food pantries.
To volunteer, donate or more information contact Pat Kopp.
This ministry provides food and serves at funeral luncheons. The service of the committee is available to all parishioners. Its services are arranged at the time of the memorial or funeral planning.
To volunteer or for more information contact Kate Nawrocki.
This group has been in existence for over 15 years at Holy Redeemer. In order to keep with the times, prayers will now be passed along via e-mail not phone, increasing the speed and accuracy of each request. Members will have access to the e-mails of other members of the HR Prayer Chain. All requests will continue to be kept confidential.
If you would like to join us, or if you have a prayer request, please email Kathy Plurad at santiagobo@att.com.
This group helps to feed homeless mentally ill people at St. Patrick’s Center by providing a hot meal once each month. Casseroles are prepared in parishioners’ homes and brought to the rectory for delivery to the Center on the third Saturday every month.
To volunteer please contact Mindy Finan.
This program provides a nutritious meal to homeless persons in the vicinity of St. Peter & Paul Church and shelter. Volunteers are needed from 3:30 until 6:00 PM at St. Peter & Paul’s kitchen to prepare and serve the food on the Friday following the 11th of each month.
If you would like to donate food or volunteer, please contact Mary Toler.
This charitable arm of the parish provides “near emergency” assistance to persons within the parish boundaries or throughout the community in the homes of those in need. At Holy Redeemer, funds are raised primarily through the collection basket. You will notice an envelope with your monthly packet of envelopes. Members of the SVDP, in their visits with clients, investigate problems and offer advice, comfort, expertise and possible solutions. There are multiple ways to volunteer and participate.
If you are interested in helping SVDP, our meetings are usually held on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at 10:00am in the Rectory Meeting Room. All are welcome! To request assistance, contact us at 314-289-6101 ext. 2250
Ours is a ministry organized to answer the 2015 Encyclical, Laudato Si, where Pope Francis draws the connections to caring for earth as a way to protect future generations and care for the poor. Climate change is one of the most important issues of our time. Pope Francis stresses the importance of action and hope in his letter, Laudato Si’; On Care of Our Common Home.
Questions, please contact Jamie Hasemeier at jamiehasemeier@gmail.com or 312-371-1052.
The Holy Name Society is a spiritual, social and service organization open to all adult men of the parish. The HNS is committed to Catholic fellowship through the mission of Holy Redeemer parish.
Men’s Club Meetings are usually held at 8:30pm on the 4th Thursday night of the month at various sites in Webster Groves.
Contact the Christian Service Commission
Holy Redeemer Events
* Denotes Special Details
Important Contact Information
Father Kevin Schmittgens
Office: 314-962-0038
Parish Secretary
Laurie Medley
Office: 314-962-0038