“You will be the first teachers of your child in the ways of the faith.  May you also be the best of teachers, bearing witness to the faith by what you say and do in Christ Jesus the Lord.”

–Rite of Baptism

PSR Tuition and Fees for 2024 – 2025

Number of Children Parishioner
1 child $250
2 children $465
3 or more children $670

Thank you for your interest in our Parish School of Religion program for students in Grade 1 to Grade 8 who attend public schools or who are home-schooled.

We welcome you and offer a program of religious instruction & formation in the Catholic faith. We meet Monday evenings from 6:30-7:30pm (Sept.– May). As we meet only once a week, attendance is crucial, especially for Sacramental Prep. Please make Monday evenings a priority for PSR!

We have a great team of Catechists who come and share the love of Christ each Monday evening to serve, pray with, and teach our children. They bring with them years of experience, a heart full of love, and passion for their faith to our students.

We strive for complete intimacy and communion with Jesus Christ.

Holy Redeemer PSR Philosophy and Mission Statement

Holy Redeemer Parish School of Religion (grades 1-8) acts as a support for the students and families of the parish as they live out their Baptismal call and give witness to the Good News in word and deed. It is the desire of the program to incorporate the students and their families into the faith life of the parish community.

Additional Information About Our PSR Program

Grade 1: Sacramental Formation for First Holy Communion and Reconciliation

This is a required PSR year for all of our parish children. They will begin to memorize and comprehend basic Catholic teaching and prayers. These will be the building blocks for the two sacraments they will receive in second grade. Children must attend the 1st grade program to be adequately prepared to understand and receive these Sacraments.

Grade 2: First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

This year moves quickly as your child prepares to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Since birth, you as parents have been and continue to be the primary educators of your children in the ways of faith. Please make every effort to bring your child to Mass each week and work with them at home. Your child will learn much this year. Be sure to ask them to share with you what they’ve learned!

Grades 3-6: Catechesis and Deepening of Faith Knowledge

These are important years in your child’s faith development. Students will continue to be nourished by their faith as they move each year toward a more thoughtful and mature spirituality. They will learn important life lessons in morality & develop a healthy and whole conscience based in virtue as well as Scripture and Catholic tradition. These years are not optional as God is constant and our rewards are eternal!

Grade 7: Sacramental Formation for Confirmation

This is a required PSR year for all of our parish children. Students must attend the 7th grade program to be adequately prepared to understand and receive Confirmation. They build on all the information they have learned in the previous years.

Grade 8: Sacrament of Confirmation

This is the year our young men and women will open themselves to the Holy Spirit and commit themselves to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. They will share their time, talent and treasure in service to the community in response to the Gospel call. They will assume a “discipleship” position in our faith community and contemplate God’s plan for their future in our Church. This is not the end of their spiritual journey! It is the final Sacrament in the Sacraments of Initiation. They will be fully initiated in the Church to take their role within it!

PSR Curriculum

Grades 1-7 use RCL Benziger text Blest Are We: Faith and Word Edition. This is a spiral series–each year is a continuum of the previous year– that has been approved by the Archdiocese of St. Louis. In the students’ 7th and 8th grade year they walk through the Confirmation program by LIFE TEEN called Purpose.

The children receive First Reconciliation in the fall of second grade, First Eucharist in the spring of second grade and in eighth grade the students are Confirmed in the faith.

Enrollment & Catechist

If you wish to enroll or re-enroll your child/teen, please use the enrollment form below.

PSR is intended to be an eight-year process.  So attendance is presumed for all eight years. To skip any year is to miss an important segment of the total picture.  There are also special sessions for parents along the way.  Two years of preparation is required of children before First Confession and First Communion, and preparation for Confirmation requires at least two years of class participation.

PSR Events

* Denotes Special Details

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Important Contact Information

Coordinator of Religious Education
Teresa Roberson-Mullins
Office: 314-962-8989 x103