23-24 Emergency Info

Parent Info

Contact Persons in case of accident or illness, if parents are unavailable:

In case of emergency closing of school, which HR parents could release your child to:

Doctor / Hospital Information


Student 1 Information

Student 1: This medication CANNOT be used on my child:
This is a list of the external medications, which we use in the First Aid Room.  If there is a medication listed here which CANNOT be used on your child, please put a check next to it.
Student 1: Medical Conditions (check all that apply)

Student 2 Information

Student 2: This medication CANNOT be used on my child:
This is a list of the external medications, which we use in the First Aid Room.  If there is a medication listed here which CANNOT be used on your child, please put a check next to it.
Student 2: Medical Conditions (check all that apply)

Student 3 Information

Student 3: This medication CANNOT be used on my child:
This is a list of the external medications, which we use in the First Aid Room.  If there is a medication listed here which CANNOT be used on your child, please put a check next to it.
Student 3: Medical Conditions (check all that apply)

Student 4 Information

Student 4: This medication CANNOT be used on my child:
This is a list of the external medications, which we use in the First Aid Room.  If there is a medication listed here which CANNOT be used on your child, please put a check next to it.
Student 4: Medical Conditions (check all that apply)

Student 5 Information

Student 5: This medication CANNOT be used on my child:
This is a list of the external medications, which we use in the First Aid Room.  If there is a medication listed here which CANNOT be used on your child, please put a check next to it.
Student 5: Medical Conditions (check all that apply)

Student 6 Information

Student 6: This medication CANNOT be used on my child:
This is a list of the external medications, which we use in the First Aid Room.  If there is a medication listed here which CANNOT be used on your child, please put a check next to it.
Student 6: Medical Conditions (check all that apply)

Parent Authorization and Agreement

I understand and Agree